By H.E. Marshall. This work, first published in 1913, telling the story of Germany from before the Roman Empire to the time of Emperor Wilhelm II, was acknowledged an instant classic upon its appearance, but the tragic outbreak of the First World War the following year saw the book suppressed.
This work ranks with master-storyteller Marshall’s greatest works, providing an immensely readable but comprehensive history of Germany.
Read about the mythological origins of the German people, their first great heroes Ariovistus and Hermann, their titanic struggles against the Huns (where they first earned the title of European, meaning People’s Defender), their forced conversion to Christianity under Charlemagne, the division of the Carolingian Empire into France and Germany, the repeated invasions and settling of Post-Roman Empire Italy, the various German states, the Holy Roman Empire, the wars against Napoleon, the struggle for ascendancy between Austria and Prussia, and finally the unification of Germany.
A remarkably well-written overview which serves as the perfect introduction to the development of one of continental Europe’s superpowers.
About the God Tew and His Children ;
Teutons and Romans;
Ariovistus, the First Great German;
Herman, the Hero of Germany;
The Huns and Goths;
Winfrid, the Apostle of the Germans;
Lewis the German;
Lewis I and Charles the Fat;
Arnulf of Carinthia ;
Lewis the Child;
Conrad I;
Henry the Fowler;
Otto I the Great;
Otto II the Red;
Otto III;
Henry II the Halt;
Conrad II;
Henry III the Black;
Henry IV;
Henry IV;
Henry V;
Lothar the Saxon;
Conrad III;
Frederick I, Redbeard;
Henry VI;
Philip of Swabia;
Otto IV;
Frederick II, the World’s Wonder;
Conrad IV and the Great Interregnum;
Rudolph of Hapsburg;
Adolfus I of Nassau;
Albert the One-Eyed;
Henry VII of Luxemburg;
Lewis IV of Bavaria and Frederick the Handsome;
Charles IV, the Step-Father of the Empire;
Wenceslaus of Bohemia and Rupert the Mild;
Albert II;
Frederick III;
Maximilian I;
Charles V;
Ferdinand I and Maximilian II;
Rudolph II;
Ferdinand II;
Ferdinand III;
Leopold I;
Joseph I and Charles VI;
The Rise of the House of Brandenburg;
Charles VII;
Francis I;
Joseph II;
Leopold II;
Francis II;
Under the Heel of Napoleon;
The Downfall of Napoleon;
Divided Germany;
The Struggle Between Austria and Prussia;
William I, United Germany;
Frederick the Noble and William II.
Paperback, 343 pages, 6″ x 9″, $11.95
Hardcover $22.89