Captain William Kidd and Others of the Buccaneers

Few periods in history have become so intertwined with legend as the era of the buccaneers—or “pirates” as they later became known. Originally privateers commissioned by the French, and later by the English and Dutch crowns, to hunt Spanish ships in the Caribbean Sea during the 17th century, the innate lawlessness of the profession inevitably spiraled out of control.

Diplomatic Days

By Edith O’Shaughnessy. The second book from the famous author of “A Diplomat’s Wife in Mexico,” this “prequel” work covers…

A Brief History of the Warr with the Indians in New England

By Increase Mather. This is a contemporary account of one of the first major conflicts (known as “King Philip’s War”) between the early European colonists and the Indians in New England.
Named after the Indian leader (who appropriated the European-sounding name), the brutal struggle ended in the total defeat of the Amerinds and their near extinction in the colony.