By P. W. Joyce. Written by one of Ireland’s most noted cultural historians, this beautifully written and illustrated work covers Irish history from the earliest times to the mid-nineteenth century. Although written for children, the author admitted in his introduction that adults had found it equally readable and informative.
Starting with an explanation of the ancient originating legends of the Irish people, the author sorts out fact from fiction in an entertaining story-telling manner, keeping the narrative gripping and eventful through the centuries of tumultuous Irish history.
Read about Irish Paganism, the conversion to Christianity, the Viking and Danish invasions, the history-turning Anglo-Norman invasion, and the long centuries of bloody and violent struggle with the English overlords.
All of the famous characters of Irish history appear in order: St. Patrick, Silken Thomas, Shane O’Neill, Hugh O’Neill, right up to Daniel O’Connell. Along the way, dramatic events such as the invasion of Oliver Cromwell, the Siege of Derry, the Battle of the Boyne, the infamous Penal Laws, and much, much more, are reviewed in this exciting and highly satisfying overview.
Now completely reset, with original and new illustrations.
About the author: Patrick Weston Joyce (1827–1914) was one of Ireland’s foremost cultural historians, best known for his research in local place names of Ireland. A teacher by profession, his prominence and ability allowed him to be one of fifteen men selected in 1856 to reorganize the entire national school system in Ireland. He was principal of the Training College, Marlborough Street, in Dublin from 1874 to 1893, and president of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland from 1906 to 1908.
I: The Face of the Country in the Olden Time
II: Literature, Art, and Music
III: Dwellings, Fortresses, and Tombs
IV: Food, Dress, and Daily Life
V: Irish Paganism
VI: Government and Law
VII: The Legends
VIII: The Dawn of History
IX: St. Patrick—Part I
X: St. Patrick—Part II
XI: Progress of Religion
XII: Progress of Learning
XIII: From Laegaire to the Danes
XIV: The Danish Wars
XV: The Battle of Clontarf—Part I
XVI: The Battle of Clontarf—Part II
XVII: The Eve of the Invasion
XVIII: The Anglo-Norman Invasion
XIX: The Anglo-Irish Lords
XX: John De Courcy
XXI: Turmoil
XXII: Edward Bruce
XXIII: The Statute of Kilkenny
XXIV: Art Mac Murrogh Kavanagh
XXV: How Ireland Fared during the Wars of the Roses
XXVI: Poynings’ Law
XXVII: The Geraldines
XXVIII: The Rebellion of Silken Thomas
XXIX: Submission of the Chiefs
XXX: New Causes of Strife
XXXI: The Rebellion of Shane O’Neill
XXXII: The Geraldine Rebellion
XXXIII: The Plantations
XXXIV: Hugh Roe O’Donnell
XXXV: The Rebellion of Hugh O’Neill
XXXVI: The Battle of the Yellow Ford
XXXVII: The Earl of Essex
XXXVIII: The Turn of the Tide: Battle of Kinsale
XXXIX: The Siege of Dunboy
XL: The Retreat of Sullivan Beare
XLI: The Flight of the Earls
XLII: The Plantation of Ulster
XLIII: Strafford
XLIV: The Rebellion of 1641
XLV: The Confederation of Kilkenny: The Battle of Benburb
XLVI: Oliver Cromwell
XLVII: Ireland after the Restoration
XLVIII: The Siege of Derry—Part I
XLIX: The Siege of Derry—Part II
L: The Battle of the Boyne
LI: The Siege of Limerick—Part I
LII: The Siege of Limerick—Part II
LIII: Athlone and Aughrim
LIV: The Second Siege and Treaty of Limerick
LV: The Penal Laws
LVI: Laws to Repress Irish Trade and Manufacture
LVII: The Beginning of the Parliamentary Struggle
LVIII: Discontent and Danger
LIX: The Volunteers
LX: Legislative Independence
LXI: Grattan’s Parliament
LXII: Revival of Secret Societies
LXIII: Catholic Progress towards Emancipation
LXIV: Catholic Disappointment
LXV: Towards the Brink of the Precipice
LXVI: The Rebellion of 1798
LXVII: The Union
LXVIII: Catholic Emancipation
LXIX: From Emancipation to the Death of O’Connell
Softcover, 358 pages, $12.95
Hardcover, 358 pages, $25.95